Have you ever wondered why
some days everything is
tuned perfectly for you,
while others...not so much?
Have you ever felt completely in tune with life?
Whether we struggle to focus, battle with stress or get tangled up in too many thoughts, sometimes – for whatever reason – we simply fall out of tune.
On one hand your mind is a finely tuned, delicate and complex instrument, while on the other hand, it doesn’t come with an owner’s manual. Silent Journey is that owner’s manual. Our tuning exercises, revolutionary audio tracks and insightful techniques help finely tune your mind and body so that you can operate like a fine-tuned instrument.
Silent Journey is your complete tuning fork set that can help you exceed your expectations and play to your grand potential.
What is Silent Journey?
Silent Journey is your one-stop destination for all that life brings your way. It’s no secret that meditation is a wonderful, drug-free way to slow down your thoughts and clear your mind. But what about all those moments when you aren’t meditating? After all, isn’t that when we need to have focus, relaxation, and inner peace the most?Silent Journey provides you with the roadmap to tune your mind from within. It’s already there – it’s within you – we simply help you harness it.
And here’s how…
“Silent Journey is one of the BEST I have done”
6 Benefits
You’ll Experience With Silent Journey
1.A Truly Quiet Mind
With all the distractions of life, it’s easy to lose touch with our natural state of being. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not there. In fact, it’s always there! And when you tap into it, you’re able to quiet your mind of mental chatter allowing you to feel more relaxed, more often.2.Stress Free Living
It’s no secret that stress can lead to a whole slew of negative effects. But knowing we need to eliminate it is one thing, knowing what it feels like to live a stress free life is a whole other entirely! You’ll learn how to tune into your body in ways that allow you to reject stress naturally so that you can live with less tension, anxiety and strain.3.Intuition
If you’ve ever just “gotten a feeling” about something or had a thought without any interference or use of reason, then you’ve experienced intuition. When your body is aligned with your mind, intuition comes naturally and freely.
“For the last few years, I’ve been practicing meditation.
It’s difficult to describe the effect it’s had on my life. I can only
mention maybe a few words: calm, clarity, a balance, and, at times, a
recognition. It’s made a difference.” - Martin Scorsese
While painters, writers and musicians all lay claim to being creative, creativity isn’t just for artists. It’s thinking outside of the box, coming up with solutions, adding a unique insight into something otherwise standard and tuning into a world filled with color and possibilities. When you reach creative levels, you unlock a truly inventive and resourceful area of your body that allows you to be creative beyond anything you’ve ever thought possible.
I used to think anxiety and insomnia drove me to success.
But it was the stillness that let me be good at anything. When you
extend the seconds of stillness, that’s when you’re able to think and
learn. -Russell Simmons
5.Inner Peace
When you are spiritually and mentally at peace, you are able to take
on the day with a resilient mind, regardless of discord or adversity.
When you harness this ability, you create an atmosphere of peace within
yourself and others around you.“Silent Journey was Awesome!”
My experience was wonderful.The music, the sound of the ocean
waves, the soothing voice, it all created an atmosphere of calm and
tranquility. Silent Journey was awesome!
Pamela Williams